Developing automotive racing sustainable and with passion.
Challenge of the industry
Racing is in a state of transformation. New forms of mobility, racing series and sustainability awareness imply new requirements for the infrastructure and changing customer preferences. This affects the business model of existing as well as new race tracks and drive resorts. We support operators, investors and visionaries in translating trends into economically viable business models and to position themselves for the future as well as creating the basis for convincing investors of the project.
Markt- und Kundenanalyse:
Datenbasierte Analyse des Wettbewerbs und der Kundenzielgruppe, Ableitung von Best Practices
Positionierung und Wertversprechen:
Definition einer wettbewerbsfähigen Positionierung und Ableitung kundenzentrierter Wertversprechen
Produktdefinition und Erlösmodell:
Entwicklung eines kundenzentrierten Produktportfolios, Definition der Erlöslogik, Bestimmung von Preispunkten
Berechnung eines detaillierten Business-Cases mit Umsatz- und Kostenprognose, Investitionsplanung, Cash-Flow Analyse und Rentabilitätsbetrachtung Betrachtung
Kommerzielle Machbarkeit:
Definition relevanter Marketingkanäle und Ableitung konkreter Marketingmaßnahme
Aufbereitung von Pitch-Deck Unterlagen basierend auf Projektergebnissen
Market and customer analysis:
Data-based analysis of the competition and the customer target group, derivation of best practices.
Positioning and value proposition:
Definition of a competitive positioning and derivation of customer-centric value propositions.
Product definition and revenue model:
Development of a customer-centric product portfolio, definition of revenue logic, determination of price points.
Commercial feasibility:
Calculation of a detailed business case with revenue and cost forecast, investment planning, cash flow analysis and profitability consideration.
Definition of relevant marketing channels and derivation of concrete marketing measures.
Investor acquisition:
Preparation of pitch deck documents based on project results.
Growth opportunities
- Development of new business areas beyond pure racing events to establish a holistic experience platform in the context of racing and mobility
- Establishment of a sustainable positioning with innovative events and racing series in order to tap into new target groups and attract additional sponsorships and funding
- Provision of a tailored product portfolio and service offering, with clear quality advantages over the competition
- Collaborate with participants in the racing ecosystem to generate additional revenue and leverage cost synergies
Our reference projects
Customer references and memberships
Start-ups aus unserem Portfolio
Wir schaffen Wachstum für unsere Kunden. Gemäß einer einfachen Formel: Strategie + Umsetzung = Wachstum. In unsere Arbeit bringen wir ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis digitaler Technologien, Geschäftsmodelle und neuer Arbeitsweisen ein. Damit eine Wachstumsstrategie nicht nur "auf dem Papier" erfolgreich ist, sondern messbar Erfolg bringt, begleiten wir unsere Kunden in der operativen Umsetzung und übernehmen Ergebnisverantwortung. Innovative Impulse für unsere Arbeit erhalten wir aus unserem Start-up Investment Portfolio.
Excerpt of our customers
Lucas Wendel
Principal and Industry Leader Motorsport
Lucas is an expert on the topics around autonomous driving as well as sustainable mobility. He sees the transformation and future of mobility as one of the most central tasks of today. Accordingly, he pursues these topics with great vigor and has already been able to successfully implement numerous international projects in a leading role.
Lucas Wendel
Principal and Industry Leader Motorsport
Lucas is an expert on the topics around autonomous driving as well as sustainable mobility. He sees the transformation and future of mobility as one of the most central tasks of today. Accordingly, he pursues these topics with great vigor and has already been able to successfully implement numerous international projects in a leading role.
Maximilian Bornemann
Max brings extensive expertise in strategy and business model development for the new mobility and automotive racing industry. With deep industry knowledge and hands-on experience in managing international projects, he delivers tailored solutions that drive performance and innovation. Max is committed to helping clients succeed in a highly competitive and fast-paced environment.
Maximilian Bornemann
Max brings extensive expertise in strategy and business model development for the new mobility and automotive racing industry. With deep industry knowledge and hands-on experience in managing international projects, he delivers tailored solutions that drive performance and innovation. Max is committed to helping clients succeed in a highly competitive and fast-paced environment.