Household Appliances

We help home appliance manufacturers and white goods suppliers realize business growth using digital technologies.

How we support

We combine the value creation of household appliances with digital technologies. Whereas digital transformation was previously a necessity, it is now an essential foundation for almost every activity of companies in the home appliance industry. From numerous projects with various clients, we understand how to optimally extract value from the interplay of traditional levers (such as multi-level distribution) and digital initiatives (such as ecosystems) and empower the organization. We accompany our clients on this journey - from conception to implementation and sustainable anchoring in the organization. This enables new value streams or business models, a better view of the customer for e.g. better cross- and up-selling and the expansion of the basis for digital services, such as Guided Cooking or Predictive Maintenance. This allows us to generate new sales, reduce costs and create EBIT growth. Our focus here is on three core levers: hardware push, digital services/digital business models, and internal optimization. 


Markt- und Kundenanalyse:

Datenbasierte Analyse des Wettbewerbs und der Kundenzielgruppe, Ableitung von Best Practices

Positionierung und Wertversprechen:

Definition einer wettbewerbsfähigen Positionierung und Ableitung kundenzentrierter Wertversprechen

Produktdefinition und Erlösmodell:

Entwicklung eines kundenzentrierten Produktportfolios, Definition der Erlöslogik, Bestimmung von Preispunkten

Berechnung eines detaillierten Business-Cases mit Umsatz- und Kostenprognose, Investitionsplanung, Cash-Flow Analyse und Rentabilitätsbetrachtung Betrachtung

Kommerzielle Machbarkeit:

Definition relevanter Marketingkanäle und Ableitung konkreter Marketingmaßnahme


Aufbereitung von Pitch-Deck Unterlagen basierend auf Projektergebnissen



More household appliances can be sold due to increased attractiveness through the interaction of established processes and digital technologies. These include guided cooking, activation of additional digital features on the appliance, and better sales arguments in retail through systematic evaluation of customer usage. 

Digital services/digital business models:

Development of direct or indirect revenues through digital services related to the household appliance, such as a cooking box or recipe subscription. In addition, it is becoming increasingly important to expand digital contact points in order to obtain valuable data on customer behavior, acceptance of own offers, or to optimize the customer experience.

Internal optimization:

Optimization of customer offerings, internal workflows and processes based on networked household appliances, customer interactions or the retail channel.

Growth opportunities

Core Business Strengthening:
  • Strengthening the core home appliance business through e.g. new data-driven insights or operational excellence for additional revenue and cost savings
Business model extension:
  • Expanding the core business and developing innovative business areas to generate new revenue streams and address new customer segments, such as as-a-service models or data-driven business models in the B2C and B2B sectors, together with new or existing sales partnerships where appropriate
Ecosystem Strategy:
  • Build and scale networked value creation based on home appliances and beyond (e.g., in the Internet of Things or smart home) for new revenue streams, additional reach, and better customer insights
Data-driven decisions:
  • Combine internal and external data to make better decisions using data and artificial intelligence for competitive advantage and cost savings
Product management for the connected kitchen and beyond:
  • Development of digital products and services, such as Guided Cooking, Smart Laundry, Automated Replenishment and Recipe Management to increase device appeal, new revenue and customer lock-in

Our reference projects

Problem of the client

Rational AG, German manufacturer of commercial and industrial kitchen appliances

New Marketing & Sales Vision, Organization for the Digital Age.

Our solution for the customer

  • Development & workshop-based alignment of strategic vision & objectives for New Marketing Organization for the Digital Age (12 weeks)
  • Definition of marketing / sales key role & responsibilitiesDerivation of the organisational structure based on the key action areas
  • Allocation of existing resources & identification of resource / competency gapsJoint view on team structure, (missing) resources & competencies
  • Formulation of implementation roadmap & definition of operating model for multi-national organization, including central vs. country governance, processes and martech / CRM / technology implications

Project Results

  • New Marketing (& Sales) Vision & core strategic pillars for Success in the Digtial Age  
  • New Global Organization with responsibilities, competencies and resource allocation
  • Alignment of organization regarding “single guiding vision & plan” via workshops

Problem of the client

Premium household manufacturer (>4B Euro revenue)

Digital growth strategy for increase in revenue and relevance.

Our solution for the customer

  • Identification of growth potential: Development of a clear vision and targeted market positioning for distinct core business areas in selected segment (e.g. based on market trends, competitor analysis, customer focus/ insights), first identification of value drivers per area
  • Addressing of growth potential: detailed analysis of value drivers  (e.g. additional value creation along the process chain), identification and prioritization of value pools, formulation of 3-4 possible business models per top prio value pool, validation of business models with existing and potential customers, quantification of business potential
  • Realization of growth potential: Identification of required capabilities, (cooperation) options for obtaining required capabilities, formulation of growth strategy, selection of organizational set-up, deduction of required resources

Project Results

Enabling future growth with an increasingly digital relevance and securing the family business in a growing global competitive environment.

Problem of the client

Preparation and support of the make-or-buy selection in the context of the digital strategy of a German manufacturer of Major Domestic Appliances (MDA) with focus on customer contact strategy

Manufacturer of Major Domestic Appliances is considering staffing new digital customer touchpoints for better retention, new up-sell / cross-sell opportunities and better customer insights. In the shortlist, two options are being discussed by top management without any decision so far.

Our solution for the customer

  • Detailing of different options, incl. inclusion of the relevant stakeholders across the different functional areas
  • Evaluation of the options according to achievement of objectives, rough expenditure, etc.  
  • Coordination and ALignment of the preferred options with all stakeholders  
  • Recommendation for risk-minimized establishment of a customer contact strategy with several clearly defined milestones that build on and complement each other

Problem of the client

Selection and implementation of a CRM system in the multi-stage sales process at an international manufacturer of household appliances

Established international household appliance manufacturer wants to push Customer Relationship Management for B2C customers as well and is therefore looking for a suitable CRM system.

Our solution for the customer

  • Consolidation of requirements across the multi-stage sales process  
  • Screening and selection of suitable CRM solutions, e.g. according to fit to requirements, price, etc.  
  • Formulation of an implementation roadmap and handover to the customer

Problem of the client

Supporting a household appliance manufacturer in its digital transformation, incl. validation of new business models through lean startup methodology and establishment of a digital unit

German household appliance manufacturer wants to reap the benefits of digital transformation and create new competitive factors over competitors as quickly as possible.

Our solution for the customer

  • Supporting the manufacturer throughout the entire digital transformation, from conception to implementation, including enabling employees and minimizing risks in the respective transformation steps  
  • Development and validation of new digital business models, such as multi-sided business models, with customer involvement in all steps of the development per lean startup methodology  
  • Selection of a suitable organizational form for the establishment of a digital unit, such as processes for integration into existing operations or new governance for e.g. release of innovation budget for digital initiatives

Problem of the client

Accompanied a premium home appliance manufacturer in its digital transformation, from strategy to business models to operating/organizational model to building new digital capabilities

Premium household appliance manufacturer aims to benefit from the potential of digital initiatives and, among other things, expand market share and secure competitiveness.

Our solution for the customer

  • Supporting the manufacturer throughout the entire digital transformation, from conception to implementation  
  • Development of a digital vision and digital strategy incl. definition of the biggest value levers
  • Development of new innovative business models, in the core business and for business area expansion, including recurring revenue streams  
  • Establishment of new structures and organizational structures, incl. selection of a suitable operating system and development of necessary capabilities

Problem of the client

Unlocking new growth potential by developing new innovative business models for a Small Domestic Appliance (SDA) provider.

A premium SDA provider is looking for new opportunities for growth and is considering developing and launching new business models.

Our solution for the customer

  • Trend, market and competitor research to derive a target picture for additional growth  
  • Development of new innovative business models including value proposition, customer segments, revenue model, etc.  
  • Quantification of revenues and estimation of implementation costs  
  • Validation of the feasibility of the business models and implementation costs with the digital department

Customer references and memberships


Dr. Martin Baumüller, Head Division Marketing & Brands/Group Executive Board

"Together with Mücke Roth & Company, we evaluated the use of generative AI in the area of "Marketing & Brands". With methodological expertise, knowledge of our sales organization from past projects and extensive AI experience, the team provided us with targeted support in identifying relevant use cases. Many thanks for the excellent support and the comprehensive preparation - very helpful!"


Dr. Martin Baumüller, Head Division Marketing & Brands/Group Executive Board

"Together with Mücke Roth & Company, we evaluated the use of generative AI in the area of "Marketing & Brands". With methodological expertise, knowledge of our sales organization from past projects and extensive AI experience, the team provided us with targeted support in identifying relevant use cases. Many thanks for the excellent support and the comprehensive preparation - very helpful!"


Wolfgang Schroeder, Head of Digital Transformation and Business Development

"Mücke Roth & Company was instrumental in helping us identify new data-driven business potential. With methodology, pragmatism, eye-to-eye collaboration and expertise, the team was able to quickly show us new growth and cost-saving potential through data & analytics. Through their excellent work, we now have a clear picture of what it takes to become an even more holistic "Data-Driven Company". Thank you for that!"


Wolfgang Schroeder, Head of Digital Transformation and Business Development

"Mücke Roth & Company was instrumental in helping us identify new data-driven business potential. With methodology, pragmatism, eye-to-eye collaboration and expertise, the team was able to quickly show us new growth and cost-saving potential through data & analytics. Through their excellent work, we now have a clear picture of what it takes to become an even more holistic "Data-Driven Company". Thank you for that!"



Ökosysteme bieten großes Wachstumspotenzial





Warum der Return of Investment häufig ausbleibt und das volle Potenzial der Digitalisierung nicht ausgeschöpft wird


Start-ups aus unserem Portfolio

Wir schaffen Wachstum für unsere Kunden. Gemäß einer einfachen Formel: Strategie + Umsetzung = Wachstum. In unsere Arbeit bringen wir ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis digitaler Technologien, Geschäftsmodelle und neuer Arbeitsweisen ein. Damit eine Wachstumsstrategie nicht nur "auf dem Papier" erfolgreich ist, sondern messbar Erfolg bringt, begleiten wir unsere Kunden in der operativen Umsetzung und übernehmen Ergebnisverantwortung. Innovative Impulse für unsere Arbeit erhalten wir aus unserem Start-up Investment Portfolio.

Zu unserem Start-up Portfolio

Excerpt of our customers

Michael Mücke

Managing Director

Michael is an expert in the areas of digitalization and IoT and has personally accompanied numerous companies in their digital transformation. His focus includes the topics of data-driven business models, strategy development and artificial intelligence. After his time at A.T. Kearney, he founded a successful start-up and is a serial investor in several digital start-ups - where he is also represented on their management boards.


Michael Mücke

Managing Director

Michael is an expert in the areas of digitalization and IoT and has personally accompanied numerous companies in their digital transformation. His focus includes the topics of data-driven business models, strategy development and artificial intelligence. After his time at A.T. Kearney, he founded a successful start-up and is a serial investor in several digital start-ups - where he is also represented on their management boards.


Katharina Mitzenheim


Katharina has been supporting well-known national and international clients in the household appliance industry (MDA & SDA) on their path to growth for over 10 years. Her expertise ranges from strategic topics such as the development of digital strategies to operational topics such as the selection of suitable cooperation partners. She knows the relevance of digital ecosystems in the kitchen environment and their influence on the company as a whole. The development, scaling and monetization of digital business models with networked value creation is one of her main areas of focus.


Katharina Mitzenheim


Katharina has been supporting well-known national and international clients in the household appliance industry (MDA & SDA) on their path to growth for over 10 years. Her expertise ranges from strategic topics such as the development of digital strategies to operational topics such as the selection of suitable cooperation partners. She knows the relevance of digital ecosystems in the kitchen environment and their influence on the company as a whole. The development, scaling and monetization of digital business models with networked value creation is one of her main areas of focus.
