New Mobility

Shaping mobility hand in hand for the future.

Challenge of the industry

Participants in the “New Mobility” ecosystem are faced with the central challenge of finding the right reactions to the profound structural change in mobility. As complexity increases, it’s becoming ever more difficult to make secure mobility economically viable. We support our customers in securing and expanding their future viability during this era of profound structural change. We’ll accompany you on your transformation journey—from conception to successful implementation.


Markt- und Kundenanalyse:

Datenbasierte Analyse des Wettbewerbs und der Kundenzielgruppe, Ableitung von Best Practices

Positionierung und Wertversprechen:

Definition einer wettbewerbsfähigen Positionierung und Ableitung kundenzentrierter Wertversprechen

Produktdefinition und Erlösmodell:

Entwicklung eines kundenzentrierten Produktportfolios, Definition der Erlöslogik, Bestimmung von Preispunkten

Berechnung eines detaillierten Business-Cases mit Umsatz- und Kostenprognose, Investitionsplanung, Cash-Flow Analyse und Rentabilitätsbetrachtung Betrachtung

Kommerzielle Machbarkeit:

Definition relevanter Marketingkanäle und Ableitung konkreter Marketingmaßnahme


Aufbereitung von Pitch-Deck Unterlagen basierend auf Projektergebnissen


Business model:

Influence of virtual testing on existing business models


Future viability and economic sustainability of test fields


Holistic verification & validation of new mobility


Establishment of ecosystem structures for innovation strength in the field of new mobility

Growth opportunities

Ecosystem strategy:
  • Establishment of partnerships and cooperations for access to new customers and markets and for the realization of synergies on the revenue and cost side   
Customer centricity:
  • Providing a tailored product portfolio and service offering to increase attractiveness as well as customer loyalty  
Business model extension:
  • Expanding the core business and opening up innovative business areas to generate new revenue streams and address new customer segments   
  • value-based pricing to increase profitability in the long term

Our reference projects

Problem of the client

Develop a feasibility study and entrepreneurial concept for a university mobility proving ground with a focus on smart infrastructure, connectivity, and autonomous vehicles.

Our solution for the customer

Development of a comprehensive strategy supported by all stakeholders (public agency, university, local authorities, industry) including a sustainable business model, technical design and financial evaluation as a basis for decision-making.

  • Consensus building and derivation of a collaborative vision statement based on individual stakeholder objectives  
  • Definition of a customer-centric product and service portfolio taking into account internal and external customer requirements  
  • Development of a customized governance model taking into account appropriate legal forms for a joint venture of public institutions  
  • Development of an operating model based on objectives, capabilities and resources, including consideration of possible outsourcing options  
  • Development of a detailed business case for civil engineering including provision of relevant financial reports (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement) both before and after planned start of operations

Problem of the client

Creation of an entrepreneurial concept including business assessment for a test site with focus on automated and sustainable mobility.

Our solution for the customer

Development of a sustainable business model including technical concept and commercial evaluation as a basis for decision-making by the management.  

  • Collaborative definition of target customers and personas and derivation of concrete value propositions  
  • Definition of a customer-centric product and service portfolio taking into account internal and external customer requirements  
  • Development of a detailed business case for building and civil engineering including provision of relevant financial reports (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement)  
  • Development of a negotiation and communication strategy vis-à-vis municipalities, communities and citizens as well as support in the implementation of corresponding measures

Customer references and memberships


Dr. Dieter Nirschl, Board of Directors Membership, Tourism and Traffic

"In cooperation with MRC, ADAC e.V. has succeeded in evaluating the expansion of the test operation in consumer protection economically in the short term and securing it within the framework of an interim use. MRC has thus created the basis for the future positioning of consumer protection in the field of intelligent and sustainable mobility. In addition, MRC supports ADAC in the context of the Innovation Campus with the development of a sustainable business model, a detailed business assessment, as well as a detailed validation with potential customers. We particularly appreciate MRCs pragmatic yet professional approach. Many thanks to the entire MRC team!"


Dr. Dieter Nirschl, Board of Directors Membership, Tourism and Traffic

"In cooperation with MRC, ADAC e.V. has succeeded in evaluating the expansion of the test operation in consumer protection economically in the short term and securing it within the framework of an interim use. MRC has thus created the basis for the future positioning of consumer protection in the field of intelligent and sustainable mobility. In addition, MRC supports ADAC in the context of the Innovation Campus with the development of a sustainable business model, a detailed business assessment, as well as a detailed validation with potential customers. We particularly appreciate MRCs pragmatic yet professional approach. Many thanks to the entire MRC team!"

Transport for New South Wales

Dr. Megan Sharkey, Senior Manager Future Mobility Testing and Assurance

"In collaboration with Mücke Roth & Company (MRC), Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) has made significant progress in developing the Future Mobility Testing and Research Centre (FMTRC) in Cudal. MRC supported us in analyzing international vehicle testing trends and proving ground benchmarks. Their insights guided TfNSW's business planning, identifying key strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for the FMTRC. The results support FMTRC to make an informed investment decision and highlight key general requirements for positioning a test centre as a comprehensive solution. MRC were professional, efficient and a pleasure to work with across very different times zones."

Transport for New South Wales

Dr. Megan Sharkey, Senior Manager Future Mobility Testing and Assurance

"In collaboration with Mücke Roth & Company (MRC), Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) has made significant progress in developing the Future Mobility Testing and Research Centre (FMTRC) in Cudal. MRC supported us in analyzing international vehicle testing trends and proving ground benchmarks. Their insights guided TfNSW's business planning, identifying key strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for the FMTRC. The results support FMTRC to make an informed investment decision and highlight key general requirements for positioning a test centre as a comprehensive solution. MRC were professional, efficient and a pleasure to work with across very different times zones."

Texas Department of Transportation

Mike Arellano, Austin District Deputy District Engineer

"We thank Muecke Roth & Company's New Mobility team for helping us develop a shared vision for Texas SMARTTrack that is supported by all relevant stakeholders. Muecke Roth & Company did a great job developing a solid business model, allowing us to increase stakeholder participation and better understand the financial feasibility of Texas SMARTTrack."

Texas Department of Transportation

Mike Arellano, Austin District Deputy District Engineer

"We thank Muecke Roth & Company's New Mobility team for helping us develop a shared vision for Texas SMARTTrack that is supported by all relevant stakeholders. Muecke Roth & Company did a great job developing a solid business model, allowing us to increase stakeholder participation and better understand the financial feasibility of Texas SMARTTrack."

ADAC Test Center Mobility e.V

Andreas Rigling, Manager ADAC Test Center Mobility and active vehicle safety

"Thanks to the professional support of Mücke Roth & Company, we were able to successfully launch the ADAC Mobility Test Center (TZM). MRC helps us with the conception and implementation of marketing, pricing and communication strategies, as well as with the implementation of tools and measures to optimize internal and external processes. MRC has thus made a clear contribution to the continuously growing customer base, to the acquisition of strategic partnerships with industry, research and education as well as to the professionalization of operations. We would like to thank them for their support to date and look forward to working with them in the future."

ADAC Test Center Mobility e.V

Andreas Rigling, Manager ADAC Test Center Mobility and active vehicle safety

"Thanks to the professional support of Mücke Roth & Company, we were able to successfully launch the ADAC Mobility Test Center (TZM). MRC helps us with the conception and implementation of marketing, pricing and communication strategies, as well as with the implementation of tools and measures to optimize internal and external processes. MRC has thus made a clear contribution to the continuously growing customer base, to the acquisition of strategic partnerships with industry, research and education as well as to the professionalization of operations. We would like to thank them for their support to date and look forward to working with them in the future."



The International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardization (IAMTS) is an international association of organizations specializing in the testing, standardization and certification of advanced mobility systems and services. Its mission: to develop and grow an international portfolio of innovative test fields that meet the highest quality standards.  

Mücke Roth & Company is a member and partner in business consulting for test sites worldwide.

Website - IAMTS



The International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardization (IAMTS) is an international association of organizations specializing in the testing, standardization and certification of advanced mobility systems and services. Its mission: to develop and grow an international portfolio of innovative test fields that meet the highest quality standards.  

Mücke Roth & Company is a member and partner in business consulting for test sites worldwide.

Website - IAMTS

FIA Sustainability Accreditation, Status: Application ongoing

FIA Sustainability Accreditation, Status: Application ongoing

The FIA Environmental Accreditation program aims to help motorsport and mobility stakeholders worldwide measure and improve their environmental performance. Accreditation is an independent certification that attests to the sustainability commitment of participating organizations.

FIA Sustainability Accreditation, Status: Application ongoing

FIA Sustainability Accreditation, Status: Application ongoing

The FIA Environmental Accreditation program aims to help motorsport and mobility stakeholders worldwide measure and improve their environmental performance. Accreditation is an independent certification that attests to the sustainability commitment of participating organizations.




Start-ups from our Portfolio

About our start-up portfolio

Excerpt of our customers

Lucas Wendel

Principal and Industry Leader New Mobility

Lucas is an expert on the topics around autonomous driving as well as sustainable mobility. He sees the transformation and future of mobility as one of the most central tasks of today. Accordingly, he pursues these topics with great vigor and has already been able to successfully implement numerous international projects in a leading role.


Lucas Wendel

Principal and Industry Leader New Mobility

Lucas is an expert on the topics around autonomous driving as well as sustainable mobility. He sees the transformation and future of mobility as one of the most central tasks of today. Accordingly, he pursues these topics with great vigor and has already been able to successfully implement numerous international projects in a leading role.
